BAP started as a 3D sketchbook / 2010

Roberto Gallo decides to research about the relationship between computer assisting programs and the tools used in creating and projecting ideas in 2D design or graphic design, where the conclusion is that the pencil is the most used tool by graphic designer during the creative process and the conception and expression of ideas. Here the first research (Spanish)
Afterwards, an exploration related to the ideal surfaces where ideas can be projected begins, this way in 2011 the first prototype was produced and it was denominated “2D and 3D projectable notebook”.

Changing the sketchbook paradigm / 2016

In the same way in 2016, Roberto decides to get involved in Fab Academy program imparted online by professor Neil Gershenfeld from the Center for Bits and Atoms of the MIT at connected to Fab Lab Yachay. Here, the knowledge acquired on Digital Fabrication allowed generate a technological solution to creation, projection and fabrication of ideas.Here the second research

The principal contribution of this project is generated in a significant improvement on the relationship between humans and machines. BAP is an interface (analogue and digital) extremely powerfull because it takes the form and functions of a conventional pen (One of the most primitive and used tools around the world) and it adds the incredible benefits of digital fabrication. And so, through BAP anyone who is able to use a pen could manage any digital fabrication machine to “make almost anything”. This allows to empower people and/or communities in their own environment.

Biology and the future of BAP / 2017

In 2016 – 2017 a new advance in BAP project took place. In this case it was an exploration about the possibilities to apply Biological concepts to Bits and Atoms Pen to see how would be the future of this product knowing that the new advances in biology are changing everything around products, production and user experience. BioAcademy opened the doors of a lot of concepts and technologies around Synthetic biology where BAP project find a guide of evolution with concepts, technically and as a product. The result of this exploration was really interesting and gives some great conclusions. Bits and Atoms Pen could be an amazing product in the future that would be able to give to the user an extremely powerful interface to communicate human and machines and also would be able to produce its own ink using bacteria to produce ink proteins.

Development in Grow with FAB / 2018-2019

This year is the first time that FabX will take place in the world. You may want to see the progress of develop and research of Bap 2018-2019 here.


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Lallement y Av.América
Pichincha, Quito